Indiana Real Estate Investor Associations
Below are local real estate investor associations “REIA” groups in Indiana. Local REIA associations are great for meeting other investors in-person and networking. When attending meetings be sure to meet as many people as you can as this is your main purpose for being there.
Most REIA groups are ran by volunteers and are non-profit. If a group is for-profit or ran by a business and not volunteers, be sure to check references much more thoroughly. Be aware though, in order for non-profit REIAs to pay for meeting venues and events, most associations charge membership fees and partner with “Gurus” to sell seminars, courses and coaching. This usually starts with a monthly meeting with a guru speaker who then offers a weekend event that is free or less than $100. At that event, you will most likely be offered a course that can cost around a thousand dollars or more followed by an up-sell for such things as a “boot camp” or coaching which costs thousands of dollars. While some “gurus” do have good courses, boot camps and coaching, most do not. Before investing any money in education, be sure to thoroughly check their reviews. Many times the information and assistance they sell can be found for free on such sites as this one.