Meetups Now Listed On
Want to attend a local meetup with other real estate investors?
Know of a meetup?
You can now quickly post meetups in your local area and search for meetups posted by other investors. Launches New Meetup Feature!
Networking is a vital key to success in real estate investing. To help real estate investors like you network offline, we have now launched a new meetups feature allowing you to post, search and attend meetups in your area.
Search For “Local” Investor Meetups
The new investor meetup feature is streamlined to get you to your local meetups fast, without cluttering up your search with meetups which are not in your area. By simply selecting your State and then nearest major city, you can instantly find if we have any real estate investor meetups posted in your area. If there aren't any posted yet, you'll see nearby results in your state.
Know Of A Meetup Not Yet Listed?
If you know of someone who manages an investor meetup in your area, but it isn't listed on yet, please forward them a link to this page and ask them to post their meetup. A link to post a meetup is in the main header menu or simply click here to post a real estate investor meetup in your area.
Please Share A Meetup
The more you share a meetup's page on social media, the more people will know to attend, which benefits everyone. Please be sure to share any meetups in your local area posted by someone else and of course, share any investor meetups you post. Just look for the social share buttons near the map section of the meetup's page.
1 comment
Awesome! So glad this feature is here!